Advanced Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Therapy ›› 2024, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (3): 79-85.doi: 10.37015/AUDT.2024.240036
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Shanqing Li, MMa, Rong Hu, MMa, Xijing Liu, MDb, Fan Yang, MDa,c,*()
*Ultrasound Department, West China Second Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China/Chenghua District Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Chengdu, No. 6-8 Xinhong Road, Chenghua Avenue, Chenghua District, Chengdu 610051, Sichuan, China. e-mail:,
Shanqing Li, MM, Rong Hu, MM, Xijing Liu, MD, Fan Yang, MD. Update on the Genetics and Prenatal Ultrasound Features of Williams-Beuren Syndrome. Advanced Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Therapy, 2024, 8(3): 79-85.
Table 1
Intrauterine phenotypic features of fetuses with Williams-Beuren Syndrome in our literature review."
ID | Reference | Phenotypic features |
1 | Dadelszen P, et al 2000 | SVAS, PAS, absence of diastolic of UA, fetal hydrops |
2 | Kontos, et al 2008 | VSD |
3 | Krzeminska, et al 2009 | IUGR, SVAS, echogenic bowel |
4 | Popowski, et al 2011 | IUGR, SVAS, nasal bone dysplasia |
5 | Marcato, et al 2014 | IUGR, echogenic bowel |
IUGR, nasal bone dysplasia | ||
IUGR, omphalocele | ||
6 | Chen, et al 2016 | IUGR, polycystic dysplastic kidney |
7 | Kobalka, Mrak, Gunning 2017 | AC, cardiomegaly |
8 | Srinivasan, Howley, Cuneo, Chatfield 2018 | IUGR, SVAS, PAS |
9 | Li, et al 2019 | Polyhydramnios |
10 | Liu, et al 2019 | IUGR, tricuspid regurgitation |
IUGR, PAS, mitral regurgitation, tricuspid regurgitation, enlarged left ventricule | ||
11 | Yuan, Deng, Yang, Sun 2020 | IUGR, VSD |
IUGR | ||
IUGR, VSD | ||
IUGR | ||
IUGR, RAA | ||
12 | Dang, et al 2020 | NO |
Thickened NF | ||
Coronary veins widened, small amount of pericardial effusion, IEF | ||
Fetal right ventricle slant, tricuspid regurgitation | ||
Polycystic dysplastic kidney | ||
13 | Zhou, et al 2021 | PLSVC, elevated S/D |
IUGR | ||
IUGR | ||
VSD, small gallbladder | ||
NO | ||
Bilateral pleural effusion, fetal hydrops | ||
SUA | ||
Fetal cerebral ventriculomegaly, widened fetal renal pelvis | ||
IUGR | ||
DA | ||
14 | Ji, Xu 2021 | PLSVC, AC, left heart deviation, echogenic bowel |
15 | Huang, et al 2022 | Polycystic dysplastic kidney |
AC | ||
DA | ||
VSD, AC | ||
IUGR, PAS | ||
IUGR | ||
VSD | ||
16 | Zhai, et al 2022 | IUGR, IEF |
IUGR | ||
17 | Chen, et al 2022 | IUGR, Polycystic dysplastic kidney |
18 | Wang, et al 2023 | IUGR, PLSVC, elevated blood flow rate in the aortic valve |
IUGR, elevated S/D, absence of diastolic flow in the MCA | ||
IUGR, elevated S/D, thickened NT | ||
IUGR | ||
IUGR, elevated S/D | ||
Elevated S/D, polyhydramnios, bilateral subependymal cysts, fetal hydrops | ||
IUGR, RAA | ||
RAA, thickened NT, fetal hydrops | ||
IUGR, enlarged right atrium, absence of diastolic SUA, absence of venous duct | ||
Left pleural effusion | ||
IUGR, RAA, elevated S/D, DA | ||
Thickened NF, low-lying CM, limb abnormalities | ||
NO | ||
IUGR, VSD | ||
19 | Luo, He 2023 | SVAS, PAS |
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