• Managing Editor:


    Tsinghua University Press, China

    Zhaojun Li

    E-Mail: AUDTshanghai@163.com

    Executive Editor:


    Mengjiao Zhang

    E-Mail: AUDTEditor@163.com

    Wenbo Tian

    Tsinghua University Press, China
    E-mail: tianwb@tup.tsinghua.edu.cn

    Publishing Director:


    Jingzhi Li

    E-Mail: AUDTbeijing@163.com

    Production Manager:


    Fan Yang

    E-Mail: AUDTchengdu@163.com

    Yingfang Liu
    Tsinghua University Press, China
    E-mail: liuyf@tup.tsinghua.edu.cn
    Marketing and Communications Manager:


    Desheng Sun

    E-Mail: AUDTshenzhen@163.com

    Ethics Manager:


    Lin Jin

    E-Mail: AUDTEthics@163.com

    How to select editors for our journal?

    Selecting editors for our journal involves a thoughtful process to ensure the individuals chosen have the expertise, integrity, and commitment necessary to uphold the standards and goals of the publication. Here's a general overview of how editors are typically selected:
    Identify Potential Candidates: The first step is to identify potential candidates who have expertise in the subject area(s) covered by the journal. This can be done through personal recommendations, academic networks, literature review, or by examining the scholarly contributions of individuals in the field.
    Review Qualifications: Once potential candidates are identified, their qualifications, including academic credentials, research experience, publication record, and editorial experience, are reviewed to ensure they meet the criteria for serving as an editor.
    Assess Availability and Commitment: It's essential to assess whether candidates have the time and commitment required for editorial responsibilities. Serving as an editor is a significant time commitment, so it's important to select individuals who can dedicate sufficient time to the role.
    Evaluate Integrity and Ethical Standards: Editors play a crucial role in upholding the integrity and ethical standards of the journal. Candidates should be evaluated based on their reputation for fairness, impartiality, and adherence to ethical guidelines in academic publishing.
    Consider Diversity and Inclusivity: Diversity among editorial board members is important to ensure a variety of perspectives and experiences are represented. Efforts should be made to include editors from diverse backgrounds, including gender, race, ethnicity, geography, and academic discipline.
    Invite and Confirm Editors: Once suitable candidates have been identified and evaluated, invitations are extended to those individuals to serve as editors for the journal. Upon acceptance, the editorial board is formed, and the new editors' appointments are confirmed.
    Provide Training and Support: Depending on the experience level of the editors, training and support may be provided to ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities. This may include guidance on editorial processes, ethical standards, manuscript handling, and conflict resolution.
    Periodic Review and Renewal: Editorial board composition should be periodically reviewed to ensure effectiveness and relevance. Editors may be added, removed, or rotated based on performance, changes in the journal's focus, or other considerations.
    Overall, the selection of editors for our journal is a critical process that requires careful consideration of qualifications, commitment, integrity, diversity, and inclusivity to maintain the quality and credibility of the publication.

    Management team members
    Executive Editor: The Executive Editor oversees the strategic direction and overall operations of the publication. They are responsible for setting editorial policies, managing the editorial board, and ensuring the quality and integrity of published content. The Executive Editor often represents the publication in academic and professional circles, fosters relationships with authors and reviewers, and guides the journal through various challenges and opportunities.
    Publishing Director: The Publishing Director is responsible for the business and financial aspects of the publication. They develop and execute business strategies to maximize revenue, oversee budgeting and financial planning, negotiate contracts with vendors and partners, and manage marketing and sales efforts. The Publishing Director works closely with the editorial team to align business goals with editorial objectives while ensuring the sustainability and growth of the publication.
    Managing Editor: The Managing Editor plays a pivotal role in the day-to-day operations of the publication. They oversee the manuscript submission and peer review process, coordinate with authors, reviewers, and editorial board members, and ensure timely publication of accepted articles. The Managing Editor also manages the editorial office staff, implements editorial policies and procedures, and handles administrative tasks to support the editorial workflow effectively.
    Ethics Manager: The Ethics Manager is responsible for upholding ethical standards and integrity in publishing. They develop and enforce editorial policies related to plagiarism, conflicts of interest, research misconduct, and other ethical issues. The Ethics Manager oversees the implementation of ethical guidelines, investigates allegations of misconduct, and collaborates with editors, authors, and institutions to resolve ethical dilemmas and maintain the publication's credibility and reputation.
    Production Manager: The Production Manager oversees the production process from manuscript acceptance to final publication. They coordinate with authors, copy editors, typesetters, and printers to ensure the timely and accurate production of each issue. The Production Manager manages production schedules, quality control, and budgeting for production expenses while ensuring that published content meets the publication's standards and specifications.
    Marketing and Communications Manager: The Marketing and Communications Manager is responsible for promoting the publication and engaging with its target audience. They develop and implement marketing strategies to attract authors, readers, and subscribers, manage the publication's website and social media presence, and create promotional materials such as newsletters, press releases, and advertisements. The Marketing and Communications Manager also monitors market trends, analyzes audience feedback, and adjusts marketing efforts to maximize the publication's visibility and impact.

    Responsibilities of an editor
    In your role you should:
    The responsibilities of an editor in the context of academic or scientific publishing are multifaceted and critical to maintaining the quality, integrity, and relevance of scholarly literature. Here's an overview of the key responsibilities of an editor:
    Overseeing Editorial Policies: Editors are responsible for establishing and enforcing editorial policies that govern the submission, review, and publication processes. This includes ensuring adherence to ethical standards, editorial integrity, and compliance with industry guidelines such as COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
    Managing Peer Review Process: Editors oversee the peer review process, which involves selecting appropriate reviewers, managing review timelines, and making decisions on manuscript acceptance, revision, or rejection based on reviewer feedback and editorial judgment.
    Maintaining Journal Scope and Quality: Editors ensure that the content published in the journal aligns with its scope and mission. They uphold standards of quality by selecting and soliciting high-quality submissions, providing constructive feedback to authors, and maintaining rigorous editorial standards throughout the publication process.
    Building and Managing Editorial Board: Editors recruit and manage the editorial board, which consists of subject matter experts who assist in manuscript evaluation and decision-making. They may also appoint section editors or associate editors to oversee specific areas of the journal.
    Ensuring Timely Publication: Editors work to ensure timely publication of accepted manuscripts by managing the editorial workflow, coordinating with authors, reviewers, and production staff, and setting publication schedules to meet deadlines.
    Promoting Ethical Conduct: Editors uphold ethical standards in publishing by detecting and addressing issues such as plagiarism, data fabrication, and conflicts of interest. They investigate allegations of misconduct, implement corrective actions when necessary, and communicate transparently with stakeholders.
    Engaging with Authors and Reviewers: Editors engage with authors and reviewers to provide guidance, feedback, and support throughout the publication process. They communicate decisions on manuscripts, address inquiries and concerns, and foster positive relationships with the scholarly community.
    Monitoring Trends and Innovations: Editors stay abreast of developments in their field, including emerging research trends, methodological advancements, and publishing innovations. They may introduce new features or initiatives to enhance the journal's relevance and impact.
    Representing the Journal: Editors serve as ambassadors for the journal, representing it at conferences, workshops, and other scholarly events. They may participate in editorial boards of related journals, collaborate with professional societies, and contribute to discussions on scholarly publishing practices.
    Continuous Improvement: Editors actively seek feedback from stakeholders, including authors, reviewers, readers, and editorial board members, to identify areas for improvement and implement changes to enhance the journal's effectiveness and reputation.
    Overall, the role of an editor is dynamic and multifaceted, requiring a combination of editorial expertise, leadership skills, and commitment to advancing scholarly communication in their respective fields.

    Responsibilities of an Executive Editor
    In your role you should:
    The Executive Editor holds a high-level position within a publication and is responsible for overseeing its strategic direction, editorial policies, and overall operations. Here are the key responsibilities typically associated with the role of an Executive Editor:
    Setting Editorial Vision and Direction: The Executive Editor is responsible for establishing the overall editorial vision and direction of the publication. They define the scope and focus of the journal, identify emerging trends in the field, and develop strategies to maintain the publication's relevance and impact.
    Managing Editorial Board: The Executive Editor appoints and oversees the editorial board, which may include subject matter experts, associate editors, and advisory board members. They work closely with the editorial board to ensure alignment with the publication's goals and objectives.
    Making Editorial Decisions: The Executive Editor makes final decisions on manuscript submissions based on input from reviewers, editorial board members, and their own editorial judgment. They ensure that decisions are fair, impartial, and consistent with the publication's editorial policies.
    Upholding Editorial Standards and Ethics: The Executive Editor is responsible for upholding ethical standards in publishing and ensuring compliance with industry guidelines such as COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). They oversee the implementation of editorial policies related to plagiarism, authorship, conflicts of interest, and research integrity.
    Managing Peer Review Process: The Executive Editor oversees the peer review process, including the selection of reviewers, management of review timelines, and adjudication of reviewer comments. They ensure that the peer review process is rigorous, fair, and transparent.
    Collaborating with Publishers and Partners: The Executive Editor works closely with publishers, professional societies, and other partners to promote the publication and advance its objectives. They may negotiate contracts, develop strategic partnerships, and represent the publication in external forums.
    Engaging with Authors and Reviewers: The Executive Editor engages with authors and reviewers to provide guidance, support, and feedback throughout the publication process. They communicate editorial decisions, address inquiries and concerns, and foster positive relationships with the scholarly community.
    Monitoring Journal Performance: The Executive Editor monitors key performance indicators such as submission rates, acceptance rates, citation metrics, and reader engagement to assess the journal's impact and identify areas for improvement.
    Representing the Publication: The Executive Editor serves as the public face of the publication, representing it at conferences, workshops, and other scholarly events. They promote the publication's brand, network with key stakeholders, and advocate for its interests within the academic community.
    Leading Editorial Team: The Executive Editor provides leadership and guidance to the editorial team, including managing editorial staff, setting priorities, and fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment.
    Overall, the Executive Editor plays a crucial role in shaping the strategic direction, editorial policies, and overall success of the publication, ensuring that it remains a trusted and influential source of scholarly information in its field.

    Responsibilities of a Publishing Director
    In your role you should:
    The Publishing Director holds a key position within a publishing organization, overseeing the business and operational aspects of publishing scholarly content. Here are the primary responsibilities typically associated with the role of a Publishing Director:
    Developing Business Strategy: The Publishing Director is responsible for developing and implementing the overall business strategy for the publishing organization. This includes setting strategic goals, identifying growth opportunities, and developing plans to increase revenue and market share.
    Financial Management: The Publishing Director oversees the financial management of the publishing organization, including budgeting, forecasting, and financial reporting. They ensure that financial resources are allocated effectively to support the organization's strategic objectives.
    Revenue Generation: The Publishing Director is responsible for generating revenue through various channels, including subscriptions, advertising, licensing, and other revenue-generating activities. They develop pricing strategies, negotiate contracts with customers and partners, and explore new revenue streams.
    Market Analysis and Planning: The Publishing Director conducts market analysis to identify trends, competitive landscape, and customer needs. They use this information to inform strategic decisions, develop marketing plans, and identify opportunities for growth.
    Product Development: The Publishing Director oversees the development of new products and services to meet the needs of customers and capitalize on market opportunities. This may include launching new journals, developing digital publishing platforms, or expanding into new markets.
    Relationship Management: The Publishing Director builds and maintains relationships with key stakeholders, including authors, editors, reviewers, customers, and partners. They collaborate with academic institutions, professional societies, and funding agencies to promote the organization's publications and services.
    Publishing Operations: The Publishing Director oversees the day-to-day operations of the publishing organization, ensuring that publishing processes are efficient, cost-effective, and compliant with industry standards and regulations. This includes managing editorial workflows, production processes, and distribution logistics.
    Technology and Innovation: The Publishing Director stays abreast of technological advancements and innovations in publishing and information technology. They evaluate new technologies, tools, and systems to improve publishing workflows, enhance user experience, and drive innovation within the organization.
    Compliance and Risk Management: The Publishing Director ensures compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards, including copyright laws, data protection regulations, and ethical guidelines for publishing. They also identify and mitigate risks that may impact the organization's operations or reputation.
    Leadership and Team Management: The Publishing Director provides leadership and direction to the publishing team, including hiring and training staff, setting performance goals, and fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence.
    Overall, the Publishing Director plays a crucial role in driving the strategic direction, financial success, and operational effectiveness of the publishing organization, ensuring that it remains competitive and responsive to the needs of its stakeholders.

    Responsibilities of a Managing Editor
    In your role you should:
    The Managing Editor plays a crucial role in overseeing the day-to-day operations of a publication, managing the editorial workflow, and ensuring the timely publication of high-quality content. Here are the key responsibilities typically associated with the role of a Managing Editor:
    Manuscript Management: The Managing Editor is responsible for managing the submission and peer review process for all manuscripts submitted to the publication. This includes assigning submissions to appropriate editors or reviewers, monitoring manuscript progress, and ensuring adherence to editorial policies and deadlines.
    Peer Review Coordination: The Managing Editor coordinates the peer review process by identifying and inviting suitable reviewers, managing review timelines, and facilitating communication between authors, reviewers, and editors. They ensure that reviews are conducted in a timely and constructive manner and that editorial decisions are based on rigorous peer evaluation.
    Editorial Workflow Management: The Managing Editor oversees the editorial workflow to ensure efficient processing of manuscripts from submission to publication. This includes managing manuscript tracking systems, coordinating editorial meetings, and resolving any issues or delays that may arise during the editorial process.
    Quality Control: The Managing Editor is responsible for ensuring the quality and integrity of published content. They review manuscripts for adherence to editorial standards, accuracy, clarity, and compliance with ethical guidelines. They also coordinate with copy editors and proofreaders to ensure that published articles meet the publication's quality standards.
    Author and Reviewer Communication: The Managing Editor communicates with authors and reviewers throughout the publication process, providing guidance, support, and feedback as needed. They respond to inquiries, address concerns, and facilitate communication between authors and reviewers to ensure a positive and productive experience for all stakeholders.
    Editorial Policy Implementation: The Managing Editor implements and enforces editorial policies established by the editorial board and publisher. This includes ensuring compliance with ethical guidelines, copyright policies, and author submission requirements. They also monitor changes in publishing standards and regulations and update editorial policies accordingly.
    Collaboration with Editorial Team: The Managing Editor collaborates with editors, associate editors, and editorial board members to develop editorial strategies, set priorities, and address editorial challenges. They foster a collaborative and supportive working environment within the editorial team and promote effective communication and teamwork.
    Publication Schedule Management: The Managing Editor manages the publication schedule to ensure timely release of issues according to the publication's schedule. They coordinate with production staff, typesetters, and printers to ensure that articles are formatted, proofread, and published on schedule.
    Database and Records Management: The Managing Editor maintains accurate and up-to-date records of all submissions, reviews, and editorial decisions. They manage manuscript databases and archives and ensure that data is securely stored and accessible to authorized users.
    Continuous Improvement: The Managing Editor monitors editorial processes and performance metrics to identify areas for improvement and implement changes to enhance efficiency, quality, and effectiveness. They seek feedback from authors, reviewers, and editorial team members to continuously improve the publication process.
    Overall, the Managing Editor plays a critical role in managing the editorial operations of a publication, ensuring the quality and integrity of published content, and fostering a positive and productive editorial environment.

    Responsibilities of an Ethics Manager
    In your role you should:
    The role of an Ethics Manager within a publishing organization, especially in academic or scientific publishing, is crucial for upholding ethical standards, ensuring integrity, and managing ethical considerations throughout the publication process. Here are the key responsibilities typically associated with the role of an Ethics Manager:
    Developing and Implementing Ethical Policies: The Ethics Manager is responsible for developing and implementing editorial policies and guidelines related to ethical standards in publishing. This includes establishing policies on plagiarism, authorship, data integrity, conflicts of interest, and research misconduct.
    Ensuring Compliance with Ethical Standards: The Ethics Manager ensures that the publication adheres to ethical standards and guidelines set by industry organizations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), and other relevant bodies. They stay informed about changes in ethical guidelines and regulations and ensure that the publication's policies are up to date.
    Educating Authors, Reviewers, and Editorial Staff: The Ethics Manager provides education and training on ethical issues to authors, reviewers, and editorial staff. This may include workshops, webinars, and written resources to raise awareness of ethical standards and best practices in publishing.
    Handling Ethical Concerns and Allegations: The Ethics Manager is responsible for investigating and resolving ethical concerns and allegations raised during the publication process. This may include allegations of plagiarism, data fabrication, falsification, duplicate submission, and conflicts of interest. They conduct thorough investigations, gather evidence, and collaborate with relevant stakeholders to address ethical issues appropriately.
    Implementing Corrective Actions: If ethical misconduct is identified, the Ethics Manager implements appropriate corrective actions in accordance with the publication's policies and industry guidelines. This may include retracting published articles, issuing corrections or expressions of concern, and imposing sanctions on authors or reviewers found to have violated ethical standards.
    Promoting Research Integrity: The Ethics Manager promotes research integrity and responsible conduct of research by advocating for best practices in data management, reproducibility, transparency, and open science. They collaborate with researchers, institutions, and funding agencies to raise awareness of ethical considerations and promote a culture of integrity in research and publishing.
    Addressing Authorship Disputes: The Ethics Manager facilitates the resolution of authorship disputes by providing guidance on authorship criteria and assisting in communication between authors to resolve disagreements. They ensure that authorship is attributed accurately and ethically according to established guidelines.
    Monitoring and Reporting: The Ethics Manager monitors ethical issues and trends within the publication and the broader academic community. They track instances of ethical misconduct, analyze data on ethical concerns, and prepare reports for editorial boards, publishers, and relevant stakeholders.
    Advising Editorial Board and Leadership: The Ethics Manager advises the editorial board and senior leadership on ethical matters, providing guidance on complex ethical issues, policy development, and risk management strategies. They may also participate in editorial meetings and decision-making processes to ensure that ethical considerations are adequately addressed.
    Continuous Improvement: The Ethics Manager continuously evaluates and improves the publication's ethical policies and practices based on feedback, data analysis, and emerging trends in scholarly publishing. They seek input from stakeholders and collaborate with the editorial team to implement changes that enhance the publication's ethical standards and reputation.
    Overall, the Ethics Manager plays a critical role in upholding ethical standards, ensuring integrity, and fostering trust in the publication process. They work collaboratively with authors, reviewers, editors, and other stakeholders to promote ethical behavior and maintain the highest standards of integrity in scholarly publishing.

    Responsibilities of a Production Manager
    In your role you should:
    The Production Manager plays a critical role in overseeing the production process of a publication, ensuring the timely and accurate publication of content while maintaining quality standards. Here are the key responsibilities typically associated with the role of a Production Manager:
    Managing Production Workflow: The Production Manager oversees the entire production process, from manuscript acceptance to final publication. They develop and maintain production schedules, allocate resources, and coordinate with various stakeholders to ensure smooth workflow and timely completion of tasks.
    Typesetting and Formatting: The Production Manager is responsible for ensuring that manuscripts are formatted and typeset according to the publication's style guidelines. They work closely with typesetters or layout designers to ensure that the layout and formatting of articles meet quality standards and are consistent across the publication.
    Copy Editing and Proofreading: The Production Manager coordinates copy editing and proofreading processes to ensure accuracy, clarity, and adherence to language and style guidelines. They may work with in-house editors or freelance copy editors to review and edit manuscripts before publication.
    Graphic Design and Illustration: The Production Manager oversees the creation and integration of graphics, figures, tables, and other visual elements into the publication. They work with graphic designers or illustrators to ensure that visual content enhances the readability and impact of published articles.
    Quality Control: The Production Manager is responsible for ensuring the quality and accuracy of published content. They review proofs and final drafts to identify and correct errors, inconsistencies, or formatting issues before publication. They also ensure that published articles meet the publication's standards for clarity, accuracy, and completeness.
    Coordination with Authors and Editors: The Production Manager communicates with authors and editors to address any production-related queries or concerns. They provide guidance on manuscript preparation, submission requirements, and production timelines to ensure that authors adhere to production guidelines.
    Collaboration with External Vendors: The Production Manager liaises with external vendors, such as printing companies, typesetters, and graphic designers, to coordinate production-related tasks and ensure that deadlines are met. They negotiate contracts, review vendor deliverables, and resolve any issues or discrepancies that arise during the production process.
    Managing Production Budget: The Production Manager manages the production budget, including allocating resources, tracking expenses, and optimizing production costs. They ensure that production activities are carried out within budget constraints while maintaining quality standards and meeting publication deadlines.
    Digital Publishing and Distribution: The Production Manager oversees digital publishing and distribution processes, ensuring that published content is accessible online and distributed to subscribers and readers through appropriate channels. They may work with web developers or digital publishing platforms to optimize online content delivery and user experience.
    Continuous Improvement: The Production Manager identifies opportunities for process improvement and efficiency gains within the production workflow. They gather feedback from stakeholders, analyze production metrics, and implement changes to streamline production processes, reduce costs, and enhance the overall quality of published content.
    Overall, the Production Manager plays a crucial role in managing the production process of a publication, ensuring that published content meets quality standards, is delivered on time, and is accessible to readers. They collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to coordinate production activities and optimize production workflows for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

    Responsibilities of a Marketing and Communications Manager
    In your role you should:
    The Marketing and Communications Manager plays a pivotal role in promoting the publication and engaging with its target audience. Here are the key responsibilities typically associated with the role:
    Developing Marketing Strategies: The Marketing and Communications Manager is responsible for developing comprehensive marketing strategies to promote the publication and increase its visibility and readership. This includes identifying target audiences, defining messaging and positioning, and determining appropriate marketing channels and tactics.
    Creating Marketing Materials: The Marketing and Communications Manager oversees the creation of marketing materials such as brochures, flyers, newsletters, press releases, and promotional videos. They ensure that marketing materials are compelling, informative, and aligned with the publication's brand and messaging.
    Managing Digital Marketing: The Marketing and Communications Manager leads digital marketing efforts, including managing the publication's website, social media channels, email campaigns, and online advertising. They develop content calendars, create engaging content, monitor social media engagement, and analyze digital marketing metrics to optimize performance.
    Public Relations and Media Relations: The Marketing and Communications Manager handles public relations and media relations activities to generate positive publicity for the publication. This may include pitching stories to journalists, writing press releases, arranging media interviews, and responding to media inquiries.
    Event Planning and Coordination: The Marketing and Communications Manager organizes and promotes events such as conferences, workshops, webinars, and book launches to showcase the publication and engage with authors, readers, and other stakeholders. They coordinate event logistics, develop promotional materials, and manage event promotion and registration.
    Building Partnerships and Collaborations: The Marketing and Communications Manager establishes partnerships and collaborations with academic institutions, professional societies, libraries, and other organizations to promote the publication and expand its reach. They negotiate partnership agreements, coordinate joint marketing efforts, and leverage partner networks to increase visibility and readership.
    Market Research and Analysis: The Marketing and Communications Manager conducts market research to understand the publication's target audience, assess competitor activity, and identify trends and opportunities in the publishing industry. They analyze market data, reader feedback, and engagement metrics to inform marketing strategies and decision-making.
    Brand Management: The Marketing and Communications Manager is responsible for managing the publication's brand identity and ensuring consistency across all marketing and communication channels. They develop brand guidelines, oversee brand messaging and visuals, and protect the publication's reputation and integrity.
    Internal Communication: The Marketing and Communications Manager communicates marketing plans, initiatives, and performance metrics to internal stakeholders such as editorial teams, sales teams, and senior management. They collaborate with cross-functional teams to align marketing efforts with editorial objectives and business goals.
    Measuring and Reporting: The Marketing and Communications Manager tracks and analyzes marketing performance metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement, email open rates, and conversion rates. They prepare regular reports on marketing activities, performance metrics, and ROI to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategies and inform future planning.
    Overall, the Marketing and Communications Manager plays a key role in promoting the publication, engaging with its audience, and enhancing its visibility and impact in the academic and scientific community. They leverage a combination of marketing, communication, and strategic planning skills to effectively communicate the value of the publication and drive reader engagement and loyalty.

Open Access, Peer-reviewed

ISSN 2576-2516 (Online)

ISSN 2576-2508 (Print)

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