Review Articles

Evaluation Methods and Progress of Right Ventricular-pulmonary Artery Coupling

  • Xinqi Wang, MS ,
  • Anni Chen, MS ,
  • Lan Yang, MS ,
  • Ya Chen, MS ,
  • Zhenyi Li, MS ,
  • Zhaojun Li, MD ,
  • Lin Jin, MD
  • aFujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fujian, China
    bDepartment of Ultrasound, Jiading Branch of Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
    cShandong Second Medical University, Weifang, China
    dChengdu Medical College, Chendu, China
    eDepartment of Ultrasound, Guanghua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, China

1 Xinqi Wang, Anni Chen and Lan Yang contributed equally to this study.

Department of Ultrasound, Jiading Branch of Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 201803, China (LZJ); Department of Ultrasound, Guanghua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, 200052, China (JL). e-mail: (LZJ); (JL)

Received date: 2024-10-08

  Accepted date: 2024-12-25

  Online published: 2024-11-12


Right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling (RV-PAC) serves as an indicator of the efficiency of energy transfer from the right ventricle to the pulmonary circulation. It plays a critical role in the diagnosis, clinical treatment, and prognosis of conditions such as pulmonary hypertension, heart valve disease, and heart failure. Various non-invasive evaluation methods have recently been proposed for assessing RV contractility and arterial afterload, based on the end-systolic elastance to arterial elastance ratio (Ees/Ea), which is derived from invasive pressure-volume loops. In this review, we summarize the fundamental concepts, physiological mechanisms, examination methods, influencing factors, and clinical significance of RV-PAC to provide a valuable reference for clinical practice.

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Xinqi Wang, MS , Anni Chen, MS , Lan Yang, MS , Ya Chen, MS , Zhenyi Li, MS , Zhaojun Li, MD , Lin Jin, MD . Evaluation Methods and Progress of Right Ventricular-pulmonary Artery Coupling[J]. ADVANCED ULTRASOUND IN DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY, 2024 , 8(4) : 205 -216 . DOI: 10.37015/AUDT.2024.240059


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