Case Reports

Ectopic Pregnancy Implanted in the Diaphragm: A Case Report and Literature Review

  • Ma, MD Jing ,
  • Wang, MD Yuchen ,
  • Sun, MD Xiaohui ,
  • Zhang, MD Aiqing ,
  • Zhao Bo
  • aDepartment of Ultrasonography, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, China
    bDepartment of Ultrasonography, Peking Hospital, Beijing, China
    cDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, China

Received date: 2020-11-16

  Revised date: 2021-02-16

  Online published: 2022-03-01


Abdominal pregnancy is a rare occurrence and the location is hardly seen in the upper abdomen. We described a case of a 34-year-old female presenting with upper abdominal pain and reflex sensitivity in the right shoulder. Ultrasound examination revealed a mass under the diaphragm which was suspected to be a liver abscess. The result of an enhanced CT scan was suggestive of an ectopic pregnancy between the diaphragm and right liver lobe. However, Laparoscopic surgery was performed and the histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of diaphragmatic pregnancy. By describing this case, we aim to share the value of patients with consistent upper abdominal pain and elevated serum hCG level, a thorough examination of the upper abdomen and pelvic with US as well as CT or MRI is crucial for timely diagnosis.

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Ma, MD Jing , Wang, MD Yuchen , Sun, MD Xiaohui , Zhang, MD Aiqing , Zhao Bo . Ectopic Pregnancy Implanted in the Diaphragm: A Case Report and Literature Review[J]. ADVANCED ULTRASOUND IN DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY, 2022 , 6(1) : 26 -28 . DOI: 10.37015/AUDT.2021.200065


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