Original Research

Clinical Application of Ultrasound in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Reninoma

  • Li, MD Qiuyang ,
  • Zhang, MD Ying ,
  • Song, MD Yong ,
  • Guo, MD Aitao ,
  • Li, BS Nan ,
  • Luo, MD Yukun ,
  • Tang, MD Jie
  • a Department of Ultrasound, First Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China
    b Department of Urology, First Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China
    c Department of Pathology, First Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China

Received date: 2020-03-07

  Online published: 2020-08-21


Objectives: To investigate the clinical value of ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of reninoma.
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the ultrasound findings of 9 patients with reninoma confirmed by pathology after surgical resection in our hospital between September 2012 and August 2019. All patients underwent conventional preoperative ultrasonography. Three underwent contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) and 3 with complete endogenetic tumor underwent intraoperative ultrasonography.
Results: Of the 9 patients with conventional ultrasound, 7 had renal space-occupying lesions and 2 had missed diagnosis. A hypoechoic or hyperechoic solid mass with regular morphology, clear boundary, capsule, weak echo halo around the mass, incomplete thin strip color blood flow signal around the mass were shown in 7 cases. Color Doppler displayed color flow signal of the incomplete thin strip around the mass and arterial blood supply with an internal thin branch. In 3 patients (including 2 with missing diagnosis by conventional ultrasound) who underwent preoperative contrast-enhanced ultrasound, the reninoma manifested as low enhancement, and the perfusion pattern showed as slow wash-in and slow wash-out compared with normal renal cortex. In 3 patients (including 2 cases of missed diagnosis by conventional ultrasound) with completely endogenic reninoma, intraoperative ultrasound clearly showed the tumor characteristics, and all successfully underwent laparoscopic ultrasound-guided partial nephrectomy.
Conclusions: Preoperative conventional ultrasound combined with CEUS, and clinical features, are helpful for the qualitative diagnosis of reninoma. Laparoscopic partial resection is the first-choice treatment for reninoma. Intraoperative ultrasound can provide real-time imaging, accurately evaluate the tumor status, and provide important information for surgeons.

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Li, MD Qiuyang , Zhang, MD Ying , Song, MD Yong , Guo, MD Aitao , Li, BS Nan , Luo, MD Yukun , Tang, MD Jie . Clinical Application of Ultrasound in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Reninoma[J]. ADVANCED ULTRASOUND IN DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY, 2020 , 4(3) : 211 -216 . DOI: 10.37015/AUDT.2020.200013


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