• I am pleased to introduce to you a new open access journal of “Advanced Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Therapy (AUDT)” in full English for both online and printed publications. The creation of this publication was initiated by a group of enthusiastic Chinese ultrasound scholars who studied at Jefferson Ultrasound and Radiology Institute of Thomas Jefferson University in recent years. 

    As we have all noticed, medical ultrasound has experienced a rapid path of development and expansion over the past decade. New advances in ultrasound technology and its clinical applications have generated a variety of research interests and scientific communication. Although there are many ultrasound-related journals and publications in the Chinese literature, we feel that there is a need to have a dedicated journal in full English for the Chinese ultrasound community. The main purpose of AUDT is to provide a scientific platform for Chinese researchers and clinicians to publish their work and study outcomes and to facilitate academic communication with the international ultrasound community. In addition, the journal will serve as an education resource and vehicle for radiologists and non-imaging clinicians as well as bioengineering professionals.
    In today’s world, internet-based modalities have become the primary avenue for scientific exchange and communication. This modern method of communication presents both tremendous challenges as well as great opportunities in the pursuit of knowledge and information exploration. We hope that the accessibility of an open access journal written in English and dedicated to medical ultrasound provides an opportunity to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and information from the East to the West.
    The scope of AUDT will include original papers, review articles, editorial letters, technical developments, graphic papers, educational articles, case reports, letters to the editor and some special reports in ultrasound and radiologic imaging. We welcome all submissions related to ultrasound research and application and will do our best to serve our authors and readers.

    We would like to thank all the reviewers for their excellent work and the authors for their contribution for this pilot issue. We envision that AUDT will provide a useful platform for the authors and the readers, with a comprehensive overview of the new ultrasound developments in diagnosis and therapy for both research and clinical practice.

    Ji-Bin Liu, MD, FAIUM
    Editor-in Chief
    Advanced Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Therapy

Open Access, Peer-reviewed

ISSN 2576-2516 (Online)

ISSN 2576-2508 (Print)

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