• Editing Service

    1) In order to improve academic English writing, AUDT has cooperated with Unitediting  agency in depth which staffs from the US, UK, or Canada. Please browse www.unitediting.com  for details (currently for authors from mainland China only).

    2) Unitediting agency provides translation, language polishing, graphic service and formatting et al. for authors before submission of their papers to international journals.

    3) The special charge rate for the manuscripts submitted to AUDT: The fee starts only 1,999 RMB when the manuscript is within 5000 words, then it would be 299 RMB increased for every additional 500 words. For manuscripts above 10,000 words, please contact the service. 

    For more information, please contact us:

    1. E-mail: support@unitediting.com

    2. Browse www.unitediting.com for customer service on the homepage.

Open Access, Peer-reviewed

ISSN 2576-2516 (Online)

ISSN 2576-2508 (Print)

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